May 9 – 11, 2025

Intro to Hair Suspension: A Holistic Course

With Nicole Malbeuf / Trellis Arts

This workshop is your tool kit to start your independent practice in the wonderful art of hair suspension.

This 15-hour workshop includes lecture-based theory in anatomy, joint mobility, postural health, core and pelvic floor health, hair hang history, and sensory management (yes, hair hang hurts!).

This workshop also includes applied training in physical preparation, hair knot technique (how to tie your hair), rigging considerations for hair hang, and progressions for working towards self-suspension (hanging all your body weight from your hair).

The workshop comes with hair knot equipment, a step-by-step illustrated hair knot guide, a video tutorial, and a digital handbook.


Students must have a regular movement practice that involves the whole body and is practiced a minimum of three times a week (circus, dance, yoga, martial arts, gymnastics etc.) Understanding of the deep core and pelvic floor muscles is encouraged. Having an understanding of rigging foundations for aerial arts is an asset.

Each student’s hair must be: healthy, medium-to-thick density, minimum armpit length when pulled straight, not chemical treated (dyes, perms, relaxers) and free of permanent/semi-permanent physical applications (extensions, braids, locks etc). All hair textures are welcome.

The student must be able to comfortably invert their hair (by doing a forward-fold for 1-2 minutes), and brush and overhand braid with confidence. See access notes for alternatives.
Students must have good spinal health, free of injury and vulnerability.

Students must enter into this workshop expecting “slow gratification”—patience and consistency is required to reap the rewards of a safe and sustainable hair hang practice.
Students are required to fill out our intake form so we can determine if hair suspension is a good fit for you. Registration is not guaranteed.

If you DO NOT meet these requirements but are willing to work towards meeting the criteria, please fill out the intake form and email Nicole at to discuss.

Click here for the intake form.


May 9 – May 11
Friday | 1:00 – 4:00 pm & 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Saturday | 9:30 – 11:30 am & 12:30 – 4:00 pm
Sunday | 10:00 am – 1:30 pm

The Trapezium
10 Town Crier Drive
Brattleboro, Vermont

$750 plus $50 equipment fee

Register By: 
May 9, 2025

Please see above for all prerequisites.

18 & up or by permission of instructor

About The Coach

Nicole Malbeuf is a circus artist specializing in aerial arts and hair suspension. Nicole’s diverse background in competitive gymnastics, musical theatre, fine arts and fashion design defines her aerial performance. She is recognized for her musical sensitivity, expressiveness and keen eye for colour and shape. She has performed solo works across Canada and the US with companies like Cirque Dreams (NV), Wonderbolt Circus (NFL) and FireFly Theatre & Circus (AB), as well as a variety of collaborative aerial-theatre projects with groups like Hercinia Arts (ON), Balancing on the Edge (ON) and Public Energy (ON).

Nicole directs Trellis Arts, an aerial-dance theatre company, producing special-event entertainment, contemporary circus shows and hair suspension instruction. Trellis Arts is recognized across North America for its comprehensive program Intro to Hair Suspension: A Holistic Course. It was created in collaboration with specialists in physical therapy and core/pelvic floor health and with advice from various experts in rigging and hair science. Nicole has 7 years of hair hang experience, a network of hair hangers and anecdotal research. She has teacher training in Artistic Gymnastics (NCCP), Acrobatic Arts, Aerial Arts and Flying Footless. She strives to create learning environments that are empathetic, welcoming of all identities and supportive of individual needs and abilities. Trellis Arts’ teaching philosophies revolve around safety and sustainability in movement arts.

Copyright © 2019 New England Center for Circus Arts
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